Wednesday, May 04, 2005


So I am stuck here in England for a couple more weeks to finish up some work before relocating back home to America. Some friends and I went to Bamburgh castle on the northeast cost of England last weekend, and had a pretty nice day. The weather started out pretty ugly, but improved remarkably by mid-afternoon. We meandered up and down the beach in the sunshine after touring through the castle, picking up seashells along the way. As my collection grew, it prompted memories of doing the exact same thing with my family on Galveston Island when I was a boy (although there are few medieval castles in Texas). This moment of nostalgia forcefully reminded me that I have had a pretty good life so far all in all. I've never been seriously ill. My parents and sisters, neices and nephews, brothers-in-law are all in good health. I have four children who inspire me every day. I have a fascinating, beautiful wife that loves me and means the world to me and makes me want to be better than I am. Whatever else happens in life, I am grateful to God for these things. Maybe I'll get a good, permanent job soon, maybe I won't. Maybe my finances will become stable and comfortable, maybe they won't. I don't know what lies around time's corner, and I am not sure I really want to. I am learning (albeit slowly) to appreciate all the good things in my life on the one hand, and to let go of the clutter that doesn't matter on the other.

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