Sunday, July 31, 2005

An Embarrassment of Junk

It's been a couple of months since my last post. Curiously, no one seems to have noticed! Given that no one reads this except my wife and sometimes my parents, I guess it isn't that curious, in fact. Anyway, since moving back to the US, my high speed internet access has been spotty at best, until this week. We are now online in our new house in South Carolina.

After a week or so in Maryland, we went to Illinois for a month or so. We celebrated Jacob's first birthday on July 3. The next week we left for our new home in Columbia South Carolina. We went on a mini-vacation with my in-laws to Myrtle Beach last week. We celebrated Caitlyn's fourth birthday there. A few days later, after returning to Columbia, we had Michael's fifth birthday party.

While we have unpacked most of what we need to live on a day to day basis, we still have what seems to me like a unusually large number of boxes full of...what? Knick-knacks, pictures, and to be honest, junk that no one needs. But what to do with it all? I think the reason that we have most of this useless stuff is that everytime we move, we face this dilemma. Our respose is to either unpack it all and stuff it into drawers where we never see it, or leave it in boxes shoved in the basement or attic. The trouble is, then next time we move, we have to go through it all again.

I can't quite bring myself to just throw it away, though. You never know when you might need it, after all. Probably as soon as the garbage truck drives off with it, too!

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