Tuesday, February 05, 2008

You know what we need?

Here's what we need more of in the world: Giants. No, not the famous football team that made Bill Bellichik cry. And I don't mean people who are abnormally tall. I mean honest-to-God, fee-fie-foe-fum giants. There is no problem in the world that wouldn't be at least partially solved by involving a giant. For example, rush hour traffic? A small team of giants could pick cars up and sort them out. Kids put up a fuss at bedtime? A giant would put a stop to that pretty quickly, I imagine. I mean, even really big, global sorts of problems would be child's play for a giant. Consider world hunger...what do giants eat? Giant corn, giant potatoes, giant bratwurst. If they donated a portion of their giant food to the UN or something, people all over the world would eat like kings. Floods? Earthquakes? Hurricanes? Giants. Giants. Giants.Just something to think about...

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